Saturday 25 May 2013

Basic knowledge :D


And so ~ after a long long time , this blog now is like dying and being abandoned ... the reason behind is because i have been so busy recently and doesn't really get some time for internet....

Okay ~ now , upon the request of someone .... I am here today to clarify some terms used by people and the exact meaning of it :) 


- We have three types of muscle in our body 

A) Skeletal muscle eg- biceps ,triceps

Examples of muscles

Skeletal muscle normally have two parts

(i) fleshy part - is called Belly and is contractile 
(ii) fibrous part- is called tendon which is non contractile and in elastic

The red part is belly and the whitish part is tendon :)

B) Cardiac muscle - the muscle of heart

C) Smooth muscle eg- muscle of intestine ,muscle of stomach


Nerve is nothing but fibers that are supplying muscle ... So what is the term SUPPLY means ? 

Nerve of the face

The supply here means - the nerve fibers that carry impulses from the brain to the particular muscle , stimulate it and therefore help the muscle to carry out its movement (eg - flexion of biceps)

Artery is the distributing channels which carry blood away from the heart.

Almost all of the arteries are carrying oxygenated blood , but some are not. Therefore, strictly to be said we should not classify artery and vein by oxygenated and deoxygenated blood ...:D

 4) VEIN
Vein is the draining channels which carry blood from different parts of the body.

Vein with valves

Almost all of the vein carry deoxgenated blood ,same like artery , some carry oxygenated blood :) 

Examples of veins in thigh , leg , foot 

Lymphatic system is essentially a drainage system which is accessory to the venous system :D 

It have its channels(vessel) , its central lymphoid tissue and lymphoid organs(eg spleen , lymph nodes)

The lymphatic system

Function : 

(i) play a role in immune function of body 
(ii) help in digestion by absorbing fats from foods in intestine

Skeleton includes bones and cartilages. 
Skeleton forms main supporting framework of the body.

Front view of human skeleton

Skeleton provide surface for the attachment of muscles, tendon and ligament.
It store 97% of calcium and phosphorus.

normal adult human - we have 206 bones

Ligament are fibrous bands which connect the adjacent bones.

Example of ligament in knee joint

We have many types of ligament being classified by their compositions or their relations to the joints ( between bones) 

Normally ligament are tough and unyeilding , at the same time also flexible and pliant. :D 

#Photos credit to google image
#any add on ? 
#any suggestion for me ? 
#any corrections ? 
#If u want to know more ? 
#Feel free to comment   :D